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How Grades Are Determined

Each student's grade is determined based on the following breakdown:

  • Homework = 10%

  • Group Projects = 30%

  • Tests and Quizzes = 60%

Concept Sheets are basically notes that the students are allowed to use on any test or quiz. Students are given a new concept sheet for every unit. They are hard to loose because of their bright yellow color. 

Homework is given at least two days a week and is an extension of that day's lesson. All of the homework or "extra practice" can be found on the Open Up Resources web site. 

Group Projects are given towards the end of each unit. Students will be graded on both their ability to work well with a team and their group's overall grade. 

Tests and Quizzes will be given for each unit. Students who get below a Proficient have the opportunity to do test corrections to bring their grade back up to a Proficient. 

Grade Breakdown

A+ 97.5 -100%

A 92.5 - 97.4%

A- 89.5 - 92.4%

B+ 87.5 - 89.4%

B 82.5 - 87.4%

B- 79.5 - 82.4%

C+ 77.5 - 79.4%

C 72.5 - 77.4%

C- 69.5 - 72.4%

D+ 67.5% - 69.4%

D- 59.5 - 62.4%

F Below a 59.4%


Corrections are ONLY offered on tests and are designed to allow for students to gain back extra points that they missed on the original assessment. Students who receive an 82.5% or below on a test will have the opportunity to do corrections. Corrections will bring a student's test grade up to a maximum of an 82.5%. All test corrections are due one week after the initial test has been taken.


Test corrections must follow these guidelines:

  • Corrections must be done on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the original test when turned in.

  • All questions that the student got wrong must be corrected.

  • All of the work to solve the problem must be shown on the corrections.

  • A complete sentence explaining why the student got the problem wrong in the first place must accompany each correction. A statement such as, "I didn't know how to do it," will not be sufficient.


If a student misses school for an excused absence they have 1 day for every day they missed to make up the work for that day. For example, if a student misses a Monday, they will have Tuesday to make up the assignment and it will be due at the beginning of class on Wednesday. If a student misses ANY assignment or assessment they will recieve a 0 in the gradebook until the assignment or assessment is turned in. 

Late Work

Students who turn in work late will receive a 50% credit for the first day late and 0% after the second day. 

Work Habits and Citizenship

Work habits and citizenship grades will also be given to each student. Although these grades do not have an effect on the students' actual letter grade, they do provide a reflection of how the student behaves in class and if they are demonstrating strong work habit skills. Any student who does not carry a Proficient grade in all his or her classes will not be eligible for the honor roll at the end of the year. Below is an explanation of what each score code in Power School means. 


Work Habits: Be prepared, Be productive, Be prompts

  • Exemplary (EXM) - Always prepared for class, uses class time productively, no late and or missing assignments, on time to class. 

  • Proficient (PRO) - Usually prepared for class, uses class time productively, few late and/or missing assignments, mostly on time to class.

  • Partially Proficient (PP) - Frequently unprepared for class, uses class time productively, significant late and/or missing assignments, frequently late to class. 

  • Npn Evident (NE) - Unprepared, unproductive, excessive late and/or missing assignments or tardiness to class. 


Citizenship: Be positive, Be cooperative, Be respectful

  • Exemplary (EXM) - Outstanding citizenship/leadership, always polite and cooperative.

  • Proficient (PRO) - Good citizenship/some leadership, usually polite and cooperative. 

  • Partially Proficient (PP) - Needs improvement on citizenship, leadership, and/or cooperation.

  • Non Evident (NE) - Frequently disrupts class, often impolite, or uncooperative. 

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